200+ virtual event attendance

223m overall reach

80% revenue generated through Square


They say money makes the world go round. This rings especially true for small businesses, who don’t have big financial backers to lean on. With a strong legacy within the US, payment provider, Square, knew it needed to showcase the real benefits its technology could provide to small businesses and put itself squarely on the map in the UK.


Meet the small businesses of the Falkland Islands – where amongst the wild landscapes and oceans, many local business owners were stuck still taking cash as their only method of payment. Working alongside the Falkland Chamber of Commerce, we put Square’s technology into the hands of the locals. By using the power of film and photography and working with renowned photographer and director, Jane Stockdale, we documented the very essence of what this technology meant to the life on the islands and how it revolutionised their businesses.

This emotive documentation of photography and film was then unveiled at a virtual London Tech Week, attended by Square founder Jack Dorsey, and Falkland Islanders Hattie and Kevin Kilmartin – who were the very first, but certainly not the last, locals to see their lives transformed by Square.


Our heroes of the economy – small business owners. From mum and dad, shop keepers, to the local barista selling hot beverages out the back of their customised van.


Overall, the campaign was an emphatic success and today, the islands are home to a connected community of thriving local businesses. The emotive stories that we told through the power of film and photography achieved a reach of over 223 million, secured over 120 pieces of coverage and increased revenue by 80% through Square.