Our favourite campaigns from February
Sarah Attwood
04 Mar 2016
The good, the bad and the ugly - our favourite campaigns from February
As we enter March, we are now experiencing longer days, more sunshine (sort of) and quite a lot of frost (okay maybe a lot). February already feels like a long time ago, so let’s recap on some of the best bits – taken from our Tumblr page – Oh Holy Shet!
Oh holy shet!
Funny and clever advertising from Volvo which has “seven seats only” in its latest car model (if you can squint enough to read the writing). Perfect example of brand advertising in favour of product advertising.
We hope Snow White managed to catch a lift…
Result – brand champion.
We think it’s safe to say the ODEON cinema in Leicester Square firmly backed Leonardo DiCaprio for his much anticipated Oscar win last weekend. In honour of the actor, the cinema showed its support by changing its name to LEODEON. We’re with you ODEON – someone needed to give him an Oscar and we are buzzing that he got one!
Result – Well deserved winner.
From Vitamin Bae (!) to Doughmance Cards – Valentine’s Day got even more weird this year. To name a few of our favourites, we loved Tesco’s efforts who created an online campaign to match shoppers together based on the contents of their shopping baskets – at the end of the video, viewers are given some inspiration on how to be romantic at home, aww. Big points for IKEA who went with the angle ‘Love is complicated, IKEA is simple’. IKEA created an ‘IKEA love manual’ which included a mixture of different images to get couples ‘through Valentine’s Day’. Finally, we loved Holland & Barretts’ ‘Vitamin Bae’ campaign, which created a new vitamin for lovers, that includes a combination of B, A and E vitamins.
Result – Love-ly campaigns.
Oh… Holy Shet!
Bold move from Hewlett Packard, who defended a ‘threat’ email sent to FT’s Lucy Kellaway: ‘No reporter should be above hearing feedback from advertisers’.
The PR world collectively was cringing as this unravelled, holding its breath as we waited to see what would happen next!
The full details can be seen here: http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/hewlett-packard-defends-threat-email-sent-ft-no-reporter-should-be-above-hearing-feedback
Result – Awkward mistake.
What’s been your favourite PR or advertising campaign from February? Let us know by tweeting us @Harvard_PR, or commenting below.